
Les Pâtisseries de Sébastien Just like a Sunday morning in Paris


Opening Times

Wednesday till Sunday 8.30-17.00


Les Pâtisseries de Sébastien
Invalidenstraße 157
10115 Berlin-Mitte
.How to get there


+49 176 495 567 08

price level

Invalidenstraße in Berlin Mitte is so busy with construction, traffic jams and honking cars, that I totally missed this authentic French Pâtisserie! A renowned Berlin-based food critic pointed out this little bakery for me yesterday and sparked my curiosity. Whoever has been to a Pariesienne bakery on a Sunday morning (aside from the typical tourist spots,) can imagine how it is to visit the Pâtisserie de Sébastien. The Bistro is bakehouse, Café and selling floor all at once. The interior is kept very simple, and one is swept away, by the fresh, buttery smell of pastries. Just now the Maître is fetching a sheet of fresh Pain Raisin from the oven, and puts another one filled with unbaked Pain Au Chocolate back in it. On the counter Brioche & Co is piling up in their most perfect forms and next to them in a display cabinet you can find cakes and Tartes called Monte Bello, Tarte St. Honoré und Charlotte aux fruit rouges. There is a continual coming and going. The store was opened two years ago, but seems to have a solid fan base. The pastries are lovingly baked by French Pâtissier Sébastien and then carefully packaged. His creations look amazing and taste even better. The Mini-Monte-Bello that I tried had me close my eyes and daydream about Paris.

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