This restaurant has been closed!
La Soupe Populaire
Prenzlauer Allee 242
10405 Berlin
.How to get there
I recommend you reserve a table right now before you start reading this article because that's how sought after the tables at Tim Raue's new genius restaurant are.
No more than three weeks ago, the restaurant opened its doors to the public inside the walls of the former Bötzow brewery and it's already fully booked on any consecutive night. Opening from Thursdays through Saturdays at noon, at this 'folk kitchen' Tim Raue offers reinterpreted German classics and an excellent wine list. I had my chance to go on Saturday and I am overwhelmed!
We were welcomed by our waiter right at the gates outside the actual restaurant. He showed us the way through old winding aisles to a big factory hall accommodating La Soupe Populaire's eating area that reaches many different little open spaces and levels. In the midst of the current art exhibition, we happily took our seats at a tastefully decorated and well-laid wooden table. Such an amazing place to be!
Out of four appetizers and four entrées, we chose our favorites, started nibbling on perfectly baked bread with lard and wait patiently for a tartar sandwich with char caviar and the Baltic Sea salmon with radish and cucumbers. Food's ready. We're happy. Perfect!
Königsberger Klopse, mashed potatoes and beetroot, and codfish with ridge cucumbers and tarragon follow up as our second courses and caused even more excitement. Both dishes were well-seasoned and tasted perfectly, especially the Königsberger Klopse made us quickly run out of superlatives to use.
Hot raspberries on a mouthwatering heap of vanilla cream vaulted us back into our childhoods and gave our visit at this brilliant German restaurant the perfect finish.
But beware: the night continued at Le Croco Bleu, Gregor Scholl's new bar right next door!